Sunday, April 24, 2005

Catching up

Well, this has been a really busy month. I can't believe it's already almost the end of the month. We've been busy working and doing home projects. We're trying to get all the things sorted before we move, so we're gearing up for a big moving sale at the end of the month. I hate moving, but it does help you get rid of stuff you don't need to haul around for years.

This week has been the 10th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. It's a very emotional for everyone who lives here and went through that. Heck, we weren't even living here and I still remember where I was when I heard about the bombing. It's one of those moments that stays with you forever.

And then it's the annual arts festival that happens at the same time the Memorial marathon and all the other events every year. It's funny because even though there is beautiful art from artists all over the country, most people go out to hear the music and for the food.

Today we are doing yard work and getting ready for the week ahead.

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