Monday, April 24, 2006

Growing up

Wow. We like Brian and Robin's soon-to-be home. It's weird seeing your kids all grown up and self-sufficient. Thank God. Hee hee.

We're proud of our children. Brian and Robin are good parents. Brian's a good daddy.

I know Sondra's still struggling to get through college. We're so proud of her. And, Amanda's still finding her way. She will. Sheldon's one heck of a hard worker. He never misses a day of work, so they'll be ok once they find their path. Hopefully, he's going to be getting into this program at Bob Howard Auto Group. They hire people for six months, then send them to school for six months etc. That would be perfect for Sheldon because he wants to be a mechanic -- if you can call them that anymore it's so high-tech now.

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