Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I should be in bed.

I have to be up and at work in five hours. My last day at the Edmond Sun -- even though they want me to work on Thursday -- not gonna happen.

I'm having fun at the new job. It's weird being in p.r. and thinking of ways to get reporters to write a story -- then again THAT's not much different than being an editor.

We watched "The Weather Man" today. Sort of weird and depressing. I think we were supposed to learn something, but I think I really learned that Nicholas Cage should stick to action films. I say that, but I can't actually say I didn't like the movie.

The movie we saw before that was Domino. Great flick. Violent -- not for kids.

We were going to see a sneak peak -- yes, I haven't paid for a movie in weeks -- maybe months -- of Zorro. But the kiddos are working and need a ride home. Dang it. We NEED ANOTHER CAR.

Spent two hours today talking to schmucks at UPS. They are still looking...

Well, just found out that B bought the girls Cinderella -- scratch that off the Christmas list. Dang it. Brian. :)

Well, really now. I'm going to bed.

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