Saturday, January 21, 2006

January or is it March

Either way, I hope it at least rains in March. No rain, despite the weatherman's promises for at least three days of it this week. None. Nada. Nil. Ziltch.

So your dad is watering the grass this morning. I have to get control of him though because he seems to think he can till the ground and ready the flower beds. Heck, if it doesn't start raining, I'm thinking xero-scaping. You know, change the grass in our yard for rocks like they do in Arizona, plant a cactus or two, preferably where the neighbors cats like to come lie in our yard. A cutout of a howling coyote and it's Arizona!

Yes, I know some of you are sick of the rain. We pray for it every day. Weird world. Or God has a sick sense of humor.

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