Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Wow. The lights look great at Brian and Robin's place. And as always we are thrilled to see Kayla and Chloe in photos -- even if we can't see them in real life. I hate that job of Robin's though, and I can't wait until the kids move closer to home. I think they will because it's just too hard to be away -- particularly that far away -- from everyone.

I have cousins there in Washington, I hear. So tomorrow, I'm calling Freddy and asking him where the cousins are so that maybe the kids will have "family" there. But I think they are in Vancouver, which is still a ways from them.

Can't believe Robin went shopping for Carharts... the first time I ever heard about those was when I took a press tour of "ag" Missouri, and we were stopping at a country store off the highway between Columbia and St. Louis -- great store by the way. Anyway, everyone kept talking about how it was the best place in the state to get carharts. I thought they were saying "car parts" I was a little surprised when I went into the store at what they were talking about (yep, the lights came on in the brain about then.) And, yes, Rev. Black - you are right. It ain't cheap to be a redneck. Heck, do you have any idea how much it cost to spend a weekend in a travel trailer at the Texas Motor Speedway for a Nascar race? Out of my price range.

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