Sunday, November 13, 2005

Second summer

It's still like summer here, or at the very least a warm spring. People are still wearing shorts. It's great. Well, except for Ray's obsession with the yard.

As those of you who have seen the yard know it's huge. And in need of some major work. There's more dirt than grass in the front, which makes mowing the yard a major pain and a very dirty task. Ray's mission? To have grass. So we're planting winter seed and today we're fertilizing and watering again. And, we have bulbs. Lots of them to plant today.

I've decided the best thing to do is save money for the spring because I know it's going to be expensive. We've already spent $100 on the grass stuff and bulbs. Oh, and did I mention that we got a new lawnmower this year? Now he wants a riding one -- it takes about two hours to mow the lawn with the walking one.

But it will look nice when it's done! And, it makes Ray happy.

So today we'll spend another day outside, up until about 3 p.m. then we decided it's time to have some fun, so we're going to Galileo's for a blues competition (to watch, not participate.) We really like blues and jazz, and are really getting into that music scene here.

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