Thursday, November 03, 2005


Well, just got to see more photos on Brian's blog, but still makes me sad to see the girls when I can't hug them.

Finally, the girls will get their very belated birthday presents. UPS dropped off the box at OUR house yesterday. So Sheldon and I took it to FedEx and sent it off. We would have gone to the post office but they were already closed and I wanted that box to get to the girls as quickly as possible, and I was not about to trust UPS with it again!

So I'm trying to write a book this month Southern Fried Baptist
It's part of the National Novel Writing Month challenge. Why the heck not? I've got a bijillion books in my head.

Well tonight we actually got invited to go to a Murphy family event. Col. Murphy is being inducted into the military hall of fame. Pretty nifty. But Ray's so excited about being included. It really hurts me to see how hard he tries to get his brother to like him. Though, my guess is not that his brother doesn't like him -- it's me. So I'm going to go tonight be the good little QUIET wife. Yeah, tough role. I'm never quiet. I'm proud of Ray and what he's accomplished.

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