Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Autumn. Fall.Whatever you call it, the season with it's warm colors and temperatures that migrate from cool to cold, and warm to downright hot -- at least in Oklahoma -- always makes me a little sad.
The epilogue to a chapter. Maybe I'm sad because this year, I've seen the last of my children get precious grandchildren move far away...another year slipping quietly into history.
I'm sad also because I know this might be our last holiday with my dad. I'm sad because my sister's hubby's brother is now in hospice -- his last stop before moving on to the next world. He wants to be cremated. I don't know how I would act if I knew this was my last chance to see the leaves turn golden and orange.
For all of this I'm sad, but I know like autumn my sadness will pass and I'll laugh and dance and cry a little longer.
I'll be glad for Spring.

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